Suddenly the most buzzed-about interiors in LA are the ones that appear to be inhabited by actual homeowners!! We’ve gone through the modern, austere interiors to having the pendulum swing the other way. With all the collecting over the years why stash it all away? It is our life…personal, authentic, sometimes odd, occasionally tacky but filled with surprise and our persona lites! Interiors have been so pristine that they weren’t directly linked to a sense of self. Welcome to eclecticism…the culture of people doing their own original thing. That is the fun of surrounding yourself with things you want to live with!
While I lived in Singapore for several years I collected Chinese blue and white ceramic, celedon pieces, masks and textiles. I am going to bring some out of storage and have some fun! As you find some of your favorite things to bring out you still need a plan on how to place it in order to appreciate it. Accessories and art are the two biggest things that gives your home it’s personality. Don’t follow everyone else…make it your own! The photo’s are from Kate Spade’s home.