Well for most of the country the children are back to school and we are starting in our routines again. Every year seems to go by faster and faster!! Yesterday when I went to Costco and saw Christmas items out I couldn’t help but think how this special season has lost some of it’s mystic. When I was young you never saw any Christmas till right after American Thanksgiving. It was so exciting waiting for the Sears catalog to come….the Wish Book…Santa to arrive at the department stores…local Santa parades and of course the big kick off Macy’s Christmas Parade in NYC.
I’m just getting my summer holiday photo’s organized and now I’m being hit with Christmas…don’t really like it at all. My favorite season Autumn is around the corner so am thinking of when to start decorating for that which is difficult when it is 102 degrees out and it still feels like summer even though the days are noticeably getting shorter. I realize I am kind of rambling today as I look at the calendar and realize we are in the last quarter of the year and never did get to cleaning out that closet that was my new years resolution…maybe next year will get to that.
Have a enjoyable and safe Labor Day Weekend!!!