Our favorite American holiday is just around the corner and with it comes the colors of autumn to herald in the start of the holiday season. The burnished golds, oranges and fiery reds associated with autumn create a welcoming backdrop to a traditional meal. Sun-drenched hues of yellow and red also happen to stimulate the appetite and they are naturals not only at big feasts but also at family gatherings throughout the year. When we grace our Thanksgiving table with these colors, it conjures up bounty and fulfillment. This happens to be my favorite season and the one I most enjoy to decorate clients homes. Fallen leaves, a basket of apples, bittersweet, grapes, Bartlett pears, ornamental kale with assorted pumpkins is nature’s way of taking the guesswork out of autumn decorating. The colors and textures are a delight to the eye.
One of the most iconic and enduring images of home is that of the whole family gathered around a table, laughing and chatting while tucking into a lovingly prepared meal. Setting your table for the Thanksgiving holiday obviously takes its cues from fall colors, but thoughtful decorative touches make this a special celebration. Bread feeds the body but flowers feed the soul and that is why we all have a relationship with our favorite flowers. I enjoy doing floral arranging and this is such a fun season to make a beautiful statement on your table. I believe that flowers look much more appealing when they don’t look arranged but rather displayed in a manner that respects their inherent beauty. Be creative with your containers. I look at everything as a potential vase. In fact I once did a party for the NHL and put an arrangement in the Stanley Cup. Not for long I might add just for a quick photo, but couldn’t resist.
Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving making memories for a lifetime.