Ricky has written The Hamptons: Food, Family, and History (Wiley, $40), a book that provides a history of the region and its creative communities while offering glimpses into the Laurens’ private world and serving up an extensive selection of the family’s best-loved recipes.
It’s a touching tribute to Long Island’s East End, an area Ricky adores for its “relaxed, casual, laid-back style,” as she puts it. “I thought the book was a good vehicle for studying the history of the Hamptons, and my research led me to amazing artists, architects, and authors,” she explains. “As well as wanting to share what I was learning, I added the story of my life in the Hamptons and the different places we have lived.”
For many readers, the most valuable part of the book may be the simple, elegant recipes Ricky has perfected over many summers, often showcasing local ingredients. “I’ve collected recipes ever since I was married,” she says, “and I’ve gotten more into nutrition, health, and organic food. I wanted to put it all together and have something to present to my children, but also share with a bigger audience.”
For AD, Ricky shared a few of her personal favorite recipes from the book, ones she’ll likely be using herself this summer, in between swimming, painting, catching up on reading, and long strolls on the beach. “That’s the best,” she says. “The beauty of nature and the great expanse of sea and sky.”
Great summer reading and I love anything Lauren!!
Click here to see the slide show of photos and recipes from the book.